1503: [NOI2004]郁闷的出纳员 - #include <Seter> - using namespace Orz;
1503: [NOI2004]郁闷的出纳员
RunID | User | Problem | Result | Memory | Time | Language | Code Length | Submit Time |
170236 | Seter | 1503 | Accepted | 7980 kb | 492 ms | C/Edit | 2178 B | 2011-11-04 07:48:10 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 | #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define maxn 100001 #define lt(a,b) ((a)==(b)) #define rcmp(a,b) ((a)>(b)) #define icmp(a,b) ((a)>=(b)) #define scmp(a,b) ((a)<(b)) typedef struct _Splay{ struct _Splay *c[2],*f; int v,s,k;}Splay,*PSplay; Splay null,st[maxn],*stp=st,*r=&null; int ans,as,n,m,k; char str[5000000],*p=str,ch; inline PSplay update(PSplay x){ return x->s=x->c[0]->s+x->c[1]->s+x->k,x;} inline PSplay rot(PSplay x){ PSplay fx=x->f,ffx=fx->f; _Bool c=fx->c[1]==x,fc=ffx->c[1]==fx; if (fx!=&null){ if (fx->c[c]=x->c[!c])fx->c[c]->f=fx; if ((x->f=ffx)!=&null)ffx->c[fc]=x; update((fx->f=x)->c[!c]=fx); } return x; } inline PSplay splay(PSplay x){ if (x==&null||x->f==&null) return x; for (;x->f!=&null;rot(x)) if (x->f->f!=&null)rot((x->f->f->c[1]==x->f)==(x->f->c[1]==x)?x->f:x); return update(x); } inline PSplay Rank(PSplay r, int x){ _Bool c; if (x<=0||r->s<x) return &null; for (;;r=r->c[c]) if (x>r->c[0]->s&&x<=r->c[0]->s+r->k) return splay(r); else if (c=x>r->c[0]->s)x-=r->c[0]->s+r->k; } inline PSplay Find(PSplay r, int x){ PSplay ans=&null; for (;r!=&null;r=r->c[rcmp(r->v,x)]) if (icmp(r->v,x)&&(ans==&null||scmp(r->v,ans->v)))ans=r; return splay(ans); } inline PSplay Insert(PSplay r, int x){ for (stp->f=&null;r!=&null;r=(stp->f=r)->c[rcmp(r->v,x)]) if (lt(r->v,x)){r->s++,r->k++; return splay(r);} stp->v=x;stp->c[0]=stp->c[1]=&null;stp->s=stp->k=1; return stp->f==&null?stp++:splay(stp->f->c[rcmp(stp->f->v,x)]=stp++); } inline getint(){ int re=0; while (*p< '0' ||*p> '9' ) if (!*p++) return -1; while (*p>= '0' &&*p<= '9' )re=re*10+*p++-48; return re; }main(){ fread (str,1,5000000,stdin); n=getint(),m=getint();null.f=null.c[0]=null.c[1]=&null; for (r=Insert(r,~0U>>1);n--;){ ch=*++p;k=getint(); if (ch== 'F' ){ if (r->s<++k) puts ( "-1" ); else printf ( "%d\n" ,(r=Rank(r,k))->v-as); } else if (ch== 'A' )as-=k; else if (ch== 'I' ){ if (k>=m)r=Insert(r,k+as);} else { ans+=(r=Find(r,(as+=k)+m))->c[1]->s; r->s-=r->c[1]->s;r->c[1]=&null; } } return printf ( "%d\n" ,ans),0; } |

2011年11月05日 17:01
2011年11月06日 11:56
2022年12月29日 19:27
I was working as a cashier at a local grocery store when I started to feel depressed. I had been working there for a few months and I was starting to feel like I was in a rut. I didn't enjoy my job and I didn't feel diamond rings like I was good at it. I started to dread going to work and I would often find myself crying in the break room. I knew I needed to make a change but I didn't know what to do.